Photo of the cover page of the book (© General Archives of the Kingdom)
Since 2017 there is a wonderful tool for research of Jewish sources in Belgium – two similar reference books of 1324 pages respectively in Dutch and in French version by G. Desmet, P. Falek-Alhadeff, directed by P.-A. Tallier: Sources of the history of Jews and Judaism in Belgium from the 19th to the 21st century (Sources pour l’histoire des populations juives et du judaisme en Belgique – 19ième-21ième siècle)/(Bronnen voor de geschiedenis van de Joden en het Jodendom in België – 19de-21ste eeuw). Brussels /State Archives/Archives de l’Etat; Avant-Propos, 2016/Rijksarchief; Avant-Propos, 2016).
This guide describes about 1.000 archives holdings available in Belgium as well as in the United Kingdom, the United States, France, the Netherlands, Israel and Switzerland.
Various Jewish institutions keep also listings of their members. Here is a short listing of some institutions that may have records of genealogical value.
Centrale (Centraal Beheer voor Joodse Weldadigheid en Maatschappelijk Hulpbetoon)
Nerviërstraat 14-16, 2018 Antwerpen
Phone: 32-(0)3 201 52 10 ; E-mail: info@centrale.be ; Website: www.centrale.be
This institution maintains lists of residents of their home for the aged.
Central Jewish Consistory of Belgium (Consistoire Centrale Israélite de Belgique/Centraal Israëlitisch Consistorie van België)
2 rue Joseph Dupont, 1000 Brussels
Phone: 32-(0)2 512 21 90 ; E-mail: consis@online.be ; Website: www.jewishcom.be
Jewish Genealogical Society of Belgium (Cercle de Généalogie Juive de Belgique/Kring voor Joodse Genealogie in België) c/o Institut d’Etudes du Judaisme
17 avenue Franklin Roosevelt, 1050 Brussels
E-mail: jgsbelgium@gmail.com ; Website: www.jgsbelgium.be
Centrale d’Oeuvres Sociales Juives
91 Avenue Henri Jaspar, 1060 Brussels
Phone : 32-(0)2 538 80 36 ; E-mail: lacentrale@swing.be
Hidden children (L’Enfant Caché/Het Ondergedoken Kind)
68 Avenue Ducpétiaux, 1060 Brussels
Phone: 32-(0)2 538 75 97 ; E-mail: enfantcache@skynet.be
Organisation of Jewish Studies (Institut d’Etudes du Judaisme/Onderzoeksinstituut van het Jodendom)
17 Avenue Franklin Roosevelt, 1050 Brussels
Phone: 32-(0)2 650 33 48 or 34 60
E-mail: iej@ulb.ac.be ; Website: www.ulb.ac.be/philo/judaism
Maison de retraite “Heureux Séjour” (Senior Citizen Home)
35 rue de la Glacière, 1060 Brussels
Phone: 32-(0)2 537 76 66
This institution maintains lists of residents of their home for the aged
Jewish Museum of Belgium (Musée Juif de Belgique/Joods Museum van België)
21 Rue des Minimes, 1000 Brussels
Phone: 32-(0)2 512 19 63 ; E-mail: info@mjb-jmb.org ; Website: www.mjb-jmb.org
Thanks to a deposit of ‘Aid to the Jewish War Victims’, the museum holds the original of the ‘Register of Jews’ from 1940, which consists of the registration sheets of over 56.000 Jews including names, birth dates and places of parents, grandparents and children under the age of 15.
The museum has also a collection of several hundred birth, wedding and death announcements from the 19th and 20th century.
The following documents are also kept at the museum
• Register of Jewish refugees. In 1947, the authorities allowed 5.000 Jewish refugees to settle in Belgium. Most of them were originating from Poland and camps of displaced persons.
• Files of Jewish youth organizations.
• Records of people registered for alyah between 1945-1947
Union of deported Jews of Belgium; Daughters and Sons of the Deported
Union des Déportés Juifs en Belgique; Filles et Fils de la Déportation
Vereniging van de Joodse Weggevoerden in België; Dochters en Zonen der Deportatie
68 Avenue Ducpétiaux, 1060 Brussels
Phone: 32-(0)2 538 96 66
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