Census of the Jews of Ghent 27/08/1803

The search can only be done on the LAST NAME by typing at least 3 characters. The records of 8 individuals will be found there.

Family nameFirst nameAdressProfessionOrigin of information
AARONMoisesOtto Gracht 397opticienAVG 27/8/1803
ABRAHAMLeviQuaed Nam 347marchand colporteurAVG 27/8/1803
HERTOGHLevi de JongeRue St Jean 60marchand colporteurAVG 27/8/1803
ISAACLobRue Nederpolder 315opticienAVG 27/8/1803
JOSEPH JacobStruijvel Stege 101marchand colporteurAVG 27/8/1803
NATHANCohenMarché aux Bêtes 285marchand colporteurAVG 27/8/1803
SAMUELJacobMinneman Stege 206marchand colporteurAVG 27/8/1803
SIMONEmmanuelStruijvel Stege 135marchand colporteurAVG 27/8/1803

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