The search can only be done on the LAST NAME by typing at least 3 characters. The records of 8 individuals will be found there.
Family name First name Adress Profession Origin of information
AARON Moises Otto Gracht 397 opticien AVG 27/8/1803
ABRAHAM Levi Quaed Nam 347 marchand colporteur AVG 27/8/1803
HERTOGH Levi de Jonge Rue St Jean 60 marchand colporteur AVG 27/8/1803
ISAAC Lob Rue Nederpolder 315 opticien AVG 27/8/1803
JOSEPH Jacob Struijvel Stege 101 marchand colporteur AVG 27/8/1803
NATHAN Cohen Marché aux Bêtes 285 marchand colporteur AVG 27/8/1803
SAMUEL Jacob Minneman Stege 206 marchand colporteur AVG 27/8/1803
SIMON Emmanuel Struijvel Stege 135 marchand colporteur AVG 27/8/1803